Fork Git Client

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Jan 27, 2015 Using the Fork-and-Branch Git Workflow 27 Jan 2015 Filed in Education. Now that I've provided you with an introduction to Git and a brief overview of using Git with GitHub, it's time to build on that knowledge by taking a closer look at one workflow often used when collaborating with Git.The 'fork and branch' workflow is a common way of collaborating on open source projects using. I'm happy to say that we found a nice and simple name for our git client. We called it Fork. A small blog will be created soon. I'm just about to build a version 0.0.2 which contains a lot of new features and fixes. Significantly improved the commit description view. Git forking through GitHub is a process that is isolated to GitHub. This means that whenever a git fork happens, the repository and the code remains confined to the user's GitHub account. There is no effect on the local machine of the user or the involvement of Git in the process. GitEye from CollabNet is an easy-to-use Git GUI client which comes bundled with some useful tools which helps you improve development productivity.It offers push-button cloning for repositories of GitHub, CloudForge and TeamForge. GitEye offers seamless integration with other popular tools such as Bugzilla, Jira, Hudson, Jenkins and many others. Also a early user since beta testing, Fork has successfully replaced Tower, GitX (various versions) as my primary Git client. Now I use Fork for reviewing and committing, use GitUp for better branch graph view when it comes to large and complex projects.

After using GitHub by yourself for a while, you may find yourself wanting to contribute to someone else's project. Or maybe you'd like to use someone's project as the starting point for your own. This process is known as forking.

Creating a 'fork' is producing a personal copy of someone else's project. Forks act as a sort of bridge between the original repository and your personal copy. You can submit Pull Requests to help make other people's projects better by offering your changes up to the original project. Forking is at the core of social coding at GitHub.

For this tutorial, we'll be using the Spoon-Knife project, a test repository that's hosted on that lets you test the Pull Request workflow.

Fork the repository

Fork Git Client

To fork the Spoon-Knife repository, click the Fork button in the header of the repository.

Sit back and watch the forking magic. When it's finished, you'll be taken to your copy of the Spoon-Knife repository.

Clone your fork

You've successfully forked the Spoon-Knife repository, but so far, it only exists on GitHub. To be able to work on the project, you will need to clone it to your computer.

If you're using GitHub Desktop, this process is a breeze. On your fork of Spoon-Knife, navigate over to the right hand side bar and click Clone or Download. How you clone is up to you. Some options are cloning with the command line, or by using GitHub Desktop.

Making and pushing changes

Go ahead and make a few changes to the project using your favorite text editor, like Atom. You could, for example, change the text in index.html to add your GitHub username.

Starcraft 2 buy legacy of the void. When you're ready to submit your changes, stage and commit your changes.

Is staging and committing changes locally too advanced right now? Check out this on-demand training for interactive tutorials to help you learn more.

Right now, you've essentially told Git, 'Okay, I've taken a snapshot of my changes!' You can continue to make more changes, and take more commit snapshots. Paragon ntfs 15 5 100 mg. When you're ready to push your changes up to, push your changes to the remote.

Making a Pull Request

Contexts 3 4 2 – fast window switcher software. At last, you're ready to propose changes into the main project! This is the final step in producing a fork of someone else's project, and arguably the most important. If you've made a change that you feel would benefit the community as a whole, you should definitely consider contributing back.

To do so, head on over to the repository on where your project lives. For this example, it would be at You'll see a banner indicating that you've recently pushed a new branch, and that you can submit this branch 'upstream,' to the original repository:

Clicking on Compare and Pull Request sends you to a discussion page, where you can enter a title and optional description. It's important to provide as much useful information and a rationale for why you're making this Pull Request in the first place. The project owner needs to be able to determine whether your change is as useful to everyone as you think it is.

When you're ready typing out your heartfelt argument, click on Send pull request. You're done!

Fork Git Client Download

Pull Requests are an area for discussion. In this case, the Octocat is very busy, and probably won't merge your changes. For other projects, don't be offended if the project owner rejects your Pull Request, or asks for more information on why it's been made. It may even be that the project owner chooses not to merge your pull request, and that's totally okay. Your copy will exist in infamy on the Internet. And who knows–maybe someone you've never met will find your changes much more valuable than the original project. Share and share alike!


Fork Git Client Review

You've successfully forked and contributed back to a repository. Go forth, andcontribute some more!

Fork Git Client Login

Last updated Nov 30, 2017

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